Funniest Conan vs Bear skit

One of the funniest Conan vs Bear portrayals, happens to be a hilarious video short was presented by 3 college students from Michigan, who claim to be great fans of the Late Show. In this funny skit titled "Broke My Back Mountain," we see Conan (an actor posing as Conan) camping by himself in the woods and scribbling ideas on a notebook under "Ideas for the Show."

After putting out a small camp fire, Conan steps into his tent to go to sleep. Later, we see Conan fast asleep, hugging a teddy bear and sucking his thumb like a baby. Meanwhile, we also see that a real bear is roaming around Conan's tent. The beast (obviously it is a man in a bear costume) sniffs around the camp fire and finally steps into Conan's tent.

Then we see the bear stepping out of Conan's tent, but suddenly he stops on his tracks as if hit over the head with something, turns around and heads back inside the tent. This time, when it sees Conan hugging the teddy bear and sucking his thumb, we hear a Barry White melody on the background (You'll never find....).

Later, we see Conan with eyes a mouth wide open in a state of shock, and the bear laying next to him, smoking a cigarette.

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